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Is Crypto Demonic?

Cryptocurrency: A Deceptive Illusion and the Devil’s Counterfeit Message

In today’s world, where digital innovations are celebrated as groundbreaking advancements, one particular creation stands out as a deceptive trap: cryptocurrency. While many hail it as the future of money, the truth is far more sinister. I perceive that cryptocurrency is not merely a financial tool—it is a spiritual deception, a counterfeit designed to draw people into a false sense of security and power.

The Devil’s Tactic: Counterfeit Divine Messages

I’m sure you have come across several videos of people and pastors on YouTube and TikTok claiming that God has asked them to buy XRP, for others, its Shiba Inu, Cardano, Stellar Lumens, Orchid, and so on. Many pastors on social media claim that God has revealed specific cryptocurrencies to buy, deceiving Christians into investing in something they would have otherwise avoided. 

For a long time, most believers stayed away from the murky waters of cryptocurrency. But recently, more Christians have started engaging with it—why? Because certain pastors are now saying that God is using cryptocurrency as a means of “wealth transfer” to make Christians rich. While these pastors may be sincere in their ministry, the truth is that the message they receive is not from God, but rather the work of the devil, who disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).

This is a lie from the enemy. In the Bible, there was a time when a lying spirit was sent to deceive the prophets into prophesying falsely (1 Kings 22:22-23). In the same way, the devil knows that the easiest way to lure Christians into deception is through a trusted pastor claiming to speak on God’s behalf. This tactic is nothing new—it is mass deception, designed to pull Christians into the snare of cryptocurrency.

It is not that the pastors delivering the crypto message are inherently false or impostors. Many are genuine ministers. However, the enemy is adept at twisting the truth. The devil may be the one whispering these messages of wealth transfer through crypto, and many pastors mistakenly believe they are receiving divine revelation. Yes, indeed God is bringing financial breakthrough to His people, but He is not doing it through crypto. Just as Scripture recounts the time when a lying spirit led true prophets astray (1 Kings 22:22-23), a similar deception is at work today. The devil’s counterfeit message is seducing Christians into risky ventures, promising wealth that is as unstable as it is illusory.

The sad reality is that many believers have already lost their savings, and many more will continue to suffer financial loss. The enemy is using false prophecies to convince Christians that this is God’s plan when, in truth, it is a distraction and a trap. Instead of chasing after uncertain riches, we must remain rooted in God’s Word and seek true provision from Him—not from a system built on greed, speculation, and deception.

The Mystery Behind Cryptocurrency

Unlike traditional currencies, which are issued by governments and backed by tangible value, cryptocurrency operates in a shadowy realm. No one truly knows who created Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency. The supposed creator, known as “Satoshi Nakamoto,” remains an enigma—an invisible figure whose identity is shrouded in secrecy. Does this not resemble the way the enemy works? Hidden, elusive, and deceptive?

The Bible warns us in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” Cryptocurrency appears to be an exciting financial breakthrough, promising wealth and independence. But what is the cost?

A Currency of Nothingness

The very nature of cryptocurrency exposes its deception. It is not backed by gold, silver, or any tangible asset. It is created through a process called “mining,” where computers solve complex equations to produce digital coins. But in truth, these coins are nothing more than numbers on a screen—an illusion of wealth.

Money, in its proper form, serves a purpose in society by facilitating trade and ensuring stability. But cryptocurrency is unstable, unpredictable, and driven by speculation. It encourages greed, reckless gambling, and false hope. People invest their hard-earned resources into it, only to see their fortunes rise and fall in an instant. The spirit behind it is not one of order and provision but of confusion and deception—characteristics that do not come from God (1 Corinthians 14:33).

A Tool for Darkness

Cryptocurrency is often used in activities that oppose righteousness. Because of its anonymous nature, it has been widely used for illegal transactions, including fraud, money laundering, and even the dark web. This hidden economy allows evil to flourish without accountability. Would a financial system rooted in truth and righteousness be used for such purposes? Absolutely not!

Furthermore, the Bible warns us about a coming system of control in which no one will be able to buy or sell unless they conform to the beast’s system (Revelation 13:16-17). Cryptocurrency, being digital and untraceable, is a step toward this reality. Governments around the world are already pushing for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which could lead to total financial control over people’s lives.

A Call for Discernment and True Wisdom

As believers, we must be wise and discerning. Just because something is popular does not mean it is good. We must test every spirit and prophetic message against the truth of Scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:21). The promise of quick riches and a wealth transfer through cryptocurrency is seductive, but it is a trap. True provision and security come from God alone, not from digital promises built on speculation and deception.

Even sincere pastors can become unwitting channels for the enemy’s lies if they fail to discern the true source of their revelations. The devil knows that a trusted voice carries immense influence. By masquerading as divine truth, he lures believers into decisions that can lead to significant financial and spiritual harm.

Let us remain vigilant, and anchor our faith in the steadfast truth of God’s Word and seek wisdom in all matters—especially those involving our finances. The blessing of the Lord brings genuine, lasting wealth and adds no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22). Rather than chasing after uncertain digital fortunes, let us invest in what truly matters: our relationship with God, stewardship of His resources, and living a life that reflects His eternal values.

Final Thoughts

The enemy is always crafting new ways to lead people astray, and cryptocurrency is one of them. It offers the illusion of prosperity, but it is built on nothingness. We must remain vigilant and trust in the Lord’s provision rather than chasing after empty promises.

“The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.” – Proverbs 10:22

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